Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Why she liked Hemingway, DWM, misogynist because of all the women he'd loved who hadn't loved him back the way the rivers and seas and mountains did, she couldn't even begin to explain why she liked Hemingway. She'd never read him in school, none of the girls from school had, only certain and very few geeky and wannabe macho guys she knew had read him in school. In the Women's Studies course in college, he was their first assignment, and it was painfully easy to do a feminist deconstruction, and it was all over in a few seconds. Yet there were certain passages that had become ingrained in her brain, and fried eggs were forever associated with Hemingway the way rainbows were forever associated with Rutherford.

She'd learned Rutherford's analysis and explanation of rainbows in her third year in college, in a new physics class she'd taken as an elective, after her women's studies phase and after she'd gone back to her geek roots. Her artsy friends spoke as if science and understanding ruined one's love of nature, but Rutherford had not ruined her appreciation of the beauty of rainbows. Like Hemingway had increased her appreciation of fried egg sandwiches, after Rutherford she now gazed at rainbows for longer, observed them in all their nuances, in their environment, looking for all the features they could have but only sometimes displayed, and always just-so, the order of the colors, the geometry, the astronomical atmospheric effects. What Rutherford had ruined for her was her appreciation of “rainbow art” - the meaningless paeans to the “beauty of the rainbow”, telling without showing, without knowing, and the landscapes with fanciful rainbows, most of which got wrong the most elementary observational facts about rainbows and which, to her, indicated a disdain towards nature on the part of the artists. But Hemingway had not analogously ruined fried eggs for her, nor even art, perhaps because artists didn't take on fried eggs on a plate in the way they took on fruit in a bowl or fish skeletons on a plate or a rainbow in the sky.


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