The ingredients for meal number 3: | |  |
Beans, Chorizo, hocks, tocino - slooooow cooked for potage 1 |
Pumpkin from our garden: |
to be sauteed in garlic before going into the pots. |
This person nabbed the greens trying to get away.
What kind of greens were they? Why, collard greens of course! |
canned frijoles for potage 2, spices not shown |
empty bowls |
happy person 1 |
soon to be happy person |
Meagan - kitchen lady and so much more |
happy person 2 |
Happy peeps 3 and 4. |
These are the real people you'll be feeding if you can find a way to contribute.
From "RootBeer" (this is British associative slang, if you know the answer it will make sense):
RE: [hostel8-bwing] Occupy SF food blog 1 + 2
Hi Tate,
Tell them to go home.. take a bath.. then go find a fruitful productive job (just like all of us have to do).. and they can earn enough to buy themseleves food (just like all of us have to do). No sympathy but only disgust for "watanya" tactics being employed by loosers..
I would prefer not to get into a political dialog on this distribution list, but you forced my hand by sending this piece of crap. I wake up early morning at 4 am with my boys to help them prepare for JEE entrance and teach them values of goal setting, hardwork, perseverance etc.. and my IIT colleague sends me this "Occupy SF" piece-of-crap ... tell them to get a life..
Response from Moreshwar Damle:
RootBeer, Man, you are angry!
Were you angry with the the "Tea Party" outbreak 2 years ago when people were complaining about higher debt & deficits and arguing against health insurance reform? Just curious.
-Damle (Morya)
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